It didn't take us long to figure out what we were looking at, a real surface change on the surface. We surmise that this change resulted from a rainstorm that dumped enough rain over this spot on Titan to flood the valley floors with a shallow layer of liquid methane. The most likely storm (that we are aware of, keep in mind that we don't have continuous coverage) to have caused this was a massive storm system seen from Earth and by Cassini ISS in early October 2004. The brightest part of the storm (and plausibly the most intense part of the storm with the greatest cloud heights) was located over this surface change in the ISS observation of the storm on October 8, 2004.
Anyways, even though it was off-topic, I thought I would quickly share this here.
Link: Cassini Finds Hydrocarbon Rains May Fill Titan Lakes [ciclops.org]
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