Io's total heat flow, ~9.5×1013 W, has been measured from disk-integrated, ground-based IRTF data along with incomplete global data from Voyager IRIS and Galileo PPR. Galileo's SSI camera and NIMS near-infrared spectrometer acquired more complete global data (except over the polar regions), providing information on current or recently active volcanoes, but most of Io's heat flow is released at much longer infrared wavelengths from cooling lava flows, wavelengths IRTF, IRIS, and PPR were sensitive to. To inventory how Io's internal heat is released, the authors created a thermal model to estimate the amount of total energy released by volcanoes that are either outside of the terrain covered by IRIS or PPR, or were too small for those instruments to detect. In 2008 and 2009, this same group examined the contribution to Io's total heat flow from dark lava flows on the plains of Io (e.g. Amirani), both at LPSC in March 2008 and in a paper published in November 2009.

Of the total mapped area, 30,500 km2 are composed of a combination of Io's two largest dark floored paterae, Loki Patera (shown above) and Dazhbog Patera. The authors then took the areas of this dark patera floor material and using an effective temperature of that material, estimated their total power output. The total average power output of these two volcanoes was modeled to be 9.6×1012 W and 4.0×1012 W, respectively. In the case of Loki, this is 10% of Io's total heat flow. Both modeled power outputs are close to the measurements made by PPR. The other areas of dark paterae floor material account for six times that seen at Loki Patera, Io's most powerful volcano.
The abstract is part of research into how Io's internal heat is released, i.e. what heat sources make up Io's global heat flow. Assuming the same effective temperature for all these materials as Loki, dark paterae would account for 70% of Io's total heat flow (compared to 5% for dark flow fields on the Ionian plains like Masubi or Amirani). This makes dark paterae floor materials the most significant contributors to Io's heat flow.
Link: Io: The Dark Paterae Component of Heat Flow [www.lpi.usra.edu]
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